This image was shot on June 6, 2013 in the southern part of La Palma island, just 180 meters above sea level. In the foreground, there is the characteristic volcanic
landscape of the Canaries. The faint lights are the neighboring islands, La Gomera (left) and El Hierro. On top of the translucent clouds the green shimmer of the
airglow is clearly visible. Above this breathtaking view the center of our Galaxy is majestically rising from the Atlantic ocean. If you are wondering about the faint
red glow in the foreground, that's the tiny top-lights of a small wind park on the shore.
We took two exposures, one for the Milky Way (tracked), the other for the landscape (untracked), which were digitally combined. We used a 16mm fisheye lens.
During our exposures a small animal, we suspect it was a seagull, whistled incessantly. It probably tried to shoo us away from its nearby sleeping place. The place
was so remote, the bird was obviously used to absolute quiet, because it sounded definitely annoyed by our nocturnal activities.
Just after we finished our shots the whole sky was suddenly covered with thick clouds and all the magic was gone.
[Released February 2, 2014]
This project nightflight image was sponsored by